Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Stop n' Go

I gave her a hug, thinking this might be the last time I'll have her in my arms, grabbed my bags and stood there until I could no longer see her car.

It was a wrong terminal, wrong airline or maybe the wrong time. I passed out in the waiting room, my first nap in past 48 hours. I was then chased by an ax murderer in my dream, she looked much like the lady behind the check-in counter of a local museum. I started running. I ran past a dripping chocolate fountain, a torn down mummy, a magician with an annoying laugh and a Jazz concert. Too late for the band's opening performance, but made it right on time for a big (relatively speaking) surprise, when a hefty boy professed his love for his girlfriend and asked her to marry him. I started running again when the wedding proposal was followed by a loose dog announcement by the Jazz master.

"Would you like something to drink", asked the blond hair lady with long legs, petite body and straight posture. I expected the ax murderer but she had given up long ago. Before I could answer her, I tried to contemplate how I ended up in the airplane from the waiting room? It's often difficult for me to differentiate reality from dreams. I prefer dreams over reality but I also recognize that reality is the only place to get good food. Failing to make sense of the situation I ignored it all together and closed my eyes again. I think she got the point and moved on.

I decided to run back. The Jazz played, the magician laughed and the fountain dripped. And this time, I saw it all in her eyes. "It is 65 degrees in Chicago", the pilot announced. I looked out the window, and thought "Wow, It looks so much like google earth, just less interactive."

Om enjoys the ambiance of The Melting Pot


aliG said...

Airports are funny. They never change. They are still fantastic places of awe, like they were when I was a kid. The people, the smell of food, the sophistication, the urgency...its the same. We have changed only. Suddenly, the window seats don't matter anymore, we sleep on the plane etc.

Mariam Aly Khan said...

Nice blog. Nice to see you writing again. What is about airports that make people go crazy?

OM said...
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Itsnotme said...

When I read it I felt like time stopped and swirled around me... neato.

nydiathegreat said...

Nice allows the reader to very much enter into your dream/reality time warp with you. Nicely done.
What makes me laugh is your reference to food...even in your dreams. And then the line about google earth...lmao. Some things never change.

marie said...

I prefer dreams over reality but I also recognize that reality is the only place to get good food. - Me too!! If I can fly and eat at the same time... bliss!