Another thing that comes in my mind about Gates and Buffet's charity efforts. Which one is better?
You work all your life, make tons of money and then use your money to make a major impact like what Gates foundation is doing in terms of vaccination and desease prevention.
You dedicate your whole life into charitable work and humanitarian assistance and do your best to make a difference in small little segments to make this world a better place?
Which one is better? Did Gates and Buffet go into business world with a goal, thinking that when they reach that goal, they'll help the needy? or were they just another money and success hungry people who just got lucky and then decided they should do something good now?
Do people who stay charitable and dedicate their whole life in social work, do they ever dream of making it big and succesfull like Gates and Buffet so they can make a real difference in the lives of millions or do they stay content with just improving lives of a handful? do they regret their choices in life?
Om supports Gates Foundation
No matter how ridiculously rich you are, if there are no volunteers to do go out and feed the homeless or teach in inner city schools etc... then the money put towards the cause is worthless. At the same time, if there is no money coming in to fund the cause, then there is no food to give to the homeless and no money to give to schools. I guess it's all about what skills and gifts people have- and using these skills to improve other peoples lives. Imagine Mother Teresa as a computer geek, or Bill Gates as a nun- that would be a disaster.
Whatever Lorelei said I second that! :)
Here's what deepak chopra had to say about this :
You do what you can.
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