Om supports RAINN
I like to think people in my life as Ornaments. They are the ones that decorate me with their different and unique personalities and make me who I am. This blog will mostly be about them.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Broken Ornament (12/24/xx)
Om supports RAINN
Monday, December 11, 2006
Fear of Rejection
I think it worked tonight. I played all my cards right. This dude is trapped. He's not going to sleep tonight, that I am sure of. I know exactly how it's going to play out. He's going to walk into that fancy Brazilian restaurant, probably wearing his favorite black sweater. He's going to forget to smile at first, something he does when he's nervous. Then he'll start out by asking how I'm doing, followed by a compliment and some small talk. He will look around occasionally to catch his breath but I'll keep a constant stare at him to make him a little more uncomfortable. Somewhere in the midst of dinner he will work up the courage to tell me, he will first wipe the sweat off his forehead and then maybe prolong the question with some sort of disclaimer and then it will come. His face will start blushing starting from his ears; He'll try to make some subtle physical contact but will himself shy away. I'll look directly at him and keep a straight face the entire time. He'll pop the question and boom, I'll shoot him down aiming straight for his heart. I have great aim. He waited too long.
I think it's my cue to act. Oh, I can't sleep tonight. It's making me nervous. How am I going to do this? Oh come on, it can't be that difficult. I'll put on something nice, maybe my black sweater. It makes me look thin. I'll walk into the Brazilian restaurant, greet her with a smile, act cool and ask her about her day. Compliments come naturally when I see her, so that will carry the conversation. I'll look around to familiarize myself with the space around us, try to capture the moment. Oh, I hope she's not too attentive, her eyes make me nervous. I will then reach for her hands and calmly ask her what I have been longing for. Oh, who am I kidding? She’ll probably shoot me down and break my heart. It's probably not the right time. Maybe I should wait a little longer.
Om liked the story telling in Melinda and Melinda
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Oops I did it again
Poor Britney got dumped by a n'stink heartthrob and cried him a river.
Bush decided to go after Iraq in search of WMDs.
Britney went in search for true love.
Bush didn't find WMDs but he got Saddam.
Britney got intoxicated and found true love in a self acclaimed rappist K-Fed.
This is when America started praying for our beloved Britney and Bush.
Brtiney popped out a baby to prove her true love - America prayed more.
Bush used establishing democracy in Iraq to cover the WMD blunber and sent more troops.
Britney said to hit her one more time and popped out one more baby.
Bush got pressured by the rest of the world, he decided to send more troops.
They both came to a point where there was a decission to be made. Several commisions, Experts, world leaders and even advisors suggested that going into Iraq might have been a mistake. But we're still seeing our beloved Bush with that same smile on his face stating: "Whether you're with us or against us", who is this "us" are we referring to? 38% of Americans? What does it take to admit that there's a boo boo that has been made? How about an apology? It's maddening that there's no cost of being wrong, even if it translates to thousands of people dead and billions of dollars down the drain.
Well Atleast our Britney realized what she had done and left K-Fed. Let's see what our presidents next move is? Let me guess. more troops?
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
What is she talking about?
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Rest in peace
The morning was gloomy, everything felt worthless. I started to recall the marriage proposal I witnessed last evening, I remember feeling so happy for the couple and until last evening I was only imagining how beautiful it is to be able to commit to someone for rest of your life. But this morning “rest of your life” didn’t seem enough. How limited is this lifetime?
I was terrified. It wasn’t just feeling for a friend anymore at the funeral. Now is when my selfish instincts started kicking in. I pictured myself standing at his position, I was stunned, and I kept asking myself if I could ever have courage to face this? How much of my parent’s life have I missed already and how much more is left for me to catch on to? Would I ever be able to collect more memories? And if I do, wouldn’t it make it more difficult? Should I be worried about how difficult it would be for me to part or should I be worried about providing whatever it is that I can to my loved ones before its time so there are less regrets? I look up again and this time there’s a kid playing with the puddle of mud on the side unaware of what is happening around him. I wanted to be that kid!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Ornaments that fell (in love)
Surely, object was wrong it all started in the elementary school where I remember standing up to this bully who was trying to take her lunch money.
I remember the time in middle school when I sold all my cds to my friend to buy that necklace for her, hell I even remember imitating this lover from some cheesy Indian movie and wrote a letter with my blood when she decided to never see me again.
What about that time when I would stay up and talk to her all night long and sometimes she would fall asleep but I would stay on the phone just to hear her breathe.
I remember the bet with my friends to jump off the balcony if I truly loved her which I fearlessly did and ended up in the hospital. All the pain was worth when she brought me flowers and kissed my forehead.
I remember the letters, the greeting cards, that box full of her little gifts. I remember the day dreaming, those subtle eye contacts and those fights over small things that ended up with a trail of I love yous.
Wait a minute. That wasn't me was it? It was those damn ornaments. I guess object is right once again.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
So she says...
searching for something.
"What is it that I am searching for?",
she asks.
She asks her pals,
who say it all with their eyes.
So she turns to the mirror,
that glances back at her with confusion.
So she turns to me,
I lack the answer.
So she turns to her soul,
that direct her to God.
So she asks her God,
and then only she finds...
"The perfection?",
"The truth?",
"The satisfaction",
I ask.
"The search",
She says.
Om highly recommends Conference of the Birds
Friday, August 11, 2006
Back from C-Poy
I can't explain, you would not understand.
This is not how I am.
I have become comfortably numb.
(Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd, song that was playing before the first lecture)
The trip to the Cpoy land was everything I hoped for. It was 2 weeks filled with exhaustion, sleep deprivation and tons of reading. But it was all worth gaining what it had to offer. I met some truly wonderful people who inspired me to reach for my goals. Also, I felt honored to be in a company of great teachers who made it to "my most influential teachers" list. And to add to that I made some wonderful new friends and ofcourse the object.
Thanks Cpoy for the next time she asks about my experience, you'll be sure to make it to the tip of my tongue and might even further if she deserves it.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Thanks Ali
Monday, July 17, 2006
Bomb Shelter
So I got this toy for Jack, right? and then Jill was like "I wanna play with it" and I was like, let Jack play with it for now. So Jill gets all mad and throws a rocket at Jack. I mean not a real rocket, one of those foamy thingies, you know what I mean?. So Jack gets all mad and then he throws that rocket thingy back at Jill. And while they're fighting over it my girlfriend Jane walks in and goes, "Aren't you gonna stop them" and I was like, "well, Jack wants to play with his toy but Jill keeps throwing that rocket on Jack so Jack's gotta do something about it. right?" and Jane was like: "But if they keep on fighting then they might get hurt" and I was like: "oh well, I'll let them work it out".
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
I am hopeful today :)
So we've got extremist school of thought very much existing, not just in religious but also in political beliefs. This clash of belief system causes a lot of challenges and it feels like the world is sunk in chaos. It's easy be overwhelmed by these challenges but one must stay motivated to make the change because there's an alternative to just sit and witness. And the answers might not be too far from us:
* Last but not least, you don't have to be Che Guerra to make a difference but you can't imprison yourself in your air conditioned luxury vehicle with a frowny face. It truly is a matter of choice and attitude. We have to change our thinking and stop fearing failure because there's no such thing as failing when we're trying to bring a change its just a matter of time. All we have to do is join the path of millions around us are already walking and feel proud to be a part of it. If we join this walk then change is bound to happen. I am hopeful.
Khushali Mubarak to all my Ismaili friends.
(Blog inspired by Deepak Chopra's "World isn't ending. Now what?")
Monday, July 10, 2006
Bad News !!
Ahhhh.... Let's try and have a good day.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Poor Ken
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Choices in Life.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Exclusive right to "Truth"
I asked my kids if they thought our religion believed in "Exlusivism" and most of them confidently said yes. I don't blame them, ofcourse they think that they've got an eclusive right on Truth because they haven't been told otherwise. Then I brought in the idea of "Inclusivism" and all of the sudden they felt more comfortable thinking that this makes more sense and again majority agreed on the idea of inclusivism. And then I introduced to them the idea of "Pluralism" and I gotta admit that I felt a little discomfort and even disappointment from the class when it was revealed to them that No, they don't have an exlusive right to "The Truth" if there's such a thing.
I don't know if the disappointment was because they lost what they thought they had or because their personal belief didn't match with their religious belief. Either way, I am honored to be a part of their journey to self discovery.
Om like the Islamic blog site Islamicate
Thursday, May 11, 2006
When I woke up..
Om likes the Pixies
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Om listens to NPR
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Before 30 (another neverending blog)
1- Sky dive atleast once. (Done!)
2- Learn another language.
3- Learn to play an instrument.
4- Learn to cook atleast one cuisine.
5- Learn to swim (*sigh*)
6- Get my Masters.
that's it for now.
Godot's got it goin on...
Om enjoyed reading Waiting for Godot
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
All the lonely people.
I just had the most surreal moment at a local super market. At 5:30a I was walking down the aisles, and every aisle had at least one employee with a scanner in his/her hand marking prices and no customers. So I am walking down those aisle and all I hear is the rolling of my cart, synchronized beeps from those scanners and the Beatles song playing the background
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Where do they all come from ?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong ?
Om wishes to know more about Beatles
Friday, April 21, 2006
All invisible set in little ice cube blocks
If I could call it a drink, call it a smile on da rocks
If I could call out a price, let's say I call out a lot
Just a little intro of Theresa: I met her last night in a bar for the very first time. She is a pretty chineese girl around 21. She knows curse words in atleast 7 different languages, owns a stuffed mono (Thats right, check out and it will make sense), Knows all of BJork's music, knows the band members of Fall out boy, likes to crack jokes of sexual nature. In a nutshell, pretty interesting person to hang out with. At the same time she seem to have crushes on upcoming famous rap artists.
(What you lookin at)
Let me see ya grill
(Let you see my what)
Ya, ya grill ya, ya, ya grill
Friday, March 10, 2006
Absentee Chachu
All of the sudden it made me realize all the responsibilities I have towards this kid and the role I should be playing in his life. Am I always going to be that absentee 'chachu' to my nephew and the rest of the new members of my dear family?
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Dobel says...
Om recommends Anything else
Ornaments - Neverending Blog
*Dobel – Why? It’s like anything else
*MD – Almost an imaginary buddy.
*Beautiful Lie – formerly knows as walking piece of Art.
*Godot – still undecided
*Object/s – of my affection!
*My precious – precious.
*The favorites
*Green Leaf
*Waiting Room
*Uncle Sam