Thursday, January 11, 2007

Timmy's new plan

*ring ring*

Baker: Hello?
Yeah, Mr. president.... that war in Iraq... yeah... umm not a good idea.

Hamilton: Hello?
Mr President, I don't think you understand. Those troops you sent.... yeah, don't think you should've done that.

Reid: Hello?
Sir, yeah... i don't think Dems are gonna be behind you with this whole more troops business

Nancy: Hello?
No Sir, it isn't happening. I strongly oppose it. It hasn't worked before and it won't work now.

Duncan: Hello?
umm I am afraid, it's a negative from some of us Repubs too.

Cheney: "Timmy"
"Livin a lie"


aliG said...

South park man. What a piece of 2 dimensional garbage stuck in a 4 dimensional world. Its ironic, how the imperfect get to make fun of the imperfect. am i smoking? im not telling.

aliG said...

p.s. timaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy

Anonymous said...


nydiathegreat said...

Some of us actually have good taste don't watch South Park...and as a result do not undertand these types of blogs and also miss out on all the little side comments. *sigh* Blessing or curse?

OM said...

Hey Nydia, yes there is a southpark reference but the character here are all political figures during Bush Administration.