Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I am hopeful today :)

Sleepless nights continue but I feel hopeful today. Maybe 'cause its Khushali or just a new day, I believe things will get better and this world in NOT coming to an end.

So we've got extremist school of thought very much existing, not just in religious but also in political beliefs. This clash of belief system causes a lot of challenges and it feels like the world is sunk in chaos. It's easy be overwhelmed by these challenges but one must stay motivated to make the change because there's an alternative to just sit and witness. And the answers might not be too far from us:
* Ok, so we don't have cure for Cancer or Aids or many other undiscovered diseases. But if you think about it, not too long ago we were not blessed with Flu shots, or those gel caps that gets rid of common headaches. Did people survive? How did they overcome the pain? Well, they accepted the diseases just like they accepted pollution, poor lifestyles and life which was not dominated by media which could uncover or hide the corrupted politics. Isn't the same human impulse is going to help us through the so called "modern times". I am hopeful.
* Hunger. Noone is unaware of those images of african kids, covered with mud and looking not much different that skeletons we see in our science labs. Is there anyway we can overcome their hunger? Issue here surely is not awareness, and we know people like Gates and Buffet will always be out there to provide the wealth so is it "will" we are lacking? All of a sudden it doesn't feel like too big of an issue to me. The idea of global citizenship is growing rapidly (thanks to internet) so I don't believe it will be too long before those images of moving skeletons will soon be turned into smiling faces with rosy cheeks. I am hopeful.
* Gobal warming. You might be one of the many just like me who have been scared by Mr. Gore about global warming but I hope that you left the theatre feeling positive 'cause you know now what you can do to play your part. And if you're not, know this that despite of US laws and their low standards in pollution control, technology can surprise you like it has several times in the past. Hybrid technology was an unheard of idea not too long ago and similary the technological advancement is bound to control global warming and excessive fuel control. I am hopeful.
* How about the images of what half the world recognizes as war? Another product of belief clash. But if you're the one who is against war then know that half of the world is behind you. Now this may not end tomorrow but investing in future of coming generation wouldn't be vain. The idea of global peace will prevail. I am hopeful.

* Last but not least, you don't have to be Che Guerra to make a difference but you can't imprison yourself in your air conditioned luxury vehicle with a frowny face. It truly is a matter of choice and attitude. We have to change our thinking and stop fearing failure because there's no such thing as failing when we're trying to bring a change its just a matter of time. All we have to do is join the path of millions around us are already walking and feel proud to be a part of it. If we join this walk then change is bound to happen. I am hopeful.

Khushali Mubarak to all my Ismaili friends.

(Blog inspired by Deepak Chopra's "World isn't ending. Now what?")


nydiathegreat said...

You should be hopeful today, because your buddy came to visit you. Also, you are alive, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and its gonna be a beutiful day. There are lots of things to be happy for, so dont be sad. :D

Sonny Sultani said...

YAY!!! I am hopful too... Thank You!!!

Itsnotme said...

I suddenly feel like watching Finding Nemo.

Thanks man.