Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Morning drive, hands down is the high point of my day everyday. Being in my car for over an hour in the morning feels like being in a twilight zone, where I am unaware of anything outside of that piece of metal and glass. I have driven down those roads so much that I need not to pay attention to signs, signals and traffic. My radio usually jumps between BBC news channel, morning show with Rod Ryan, local news and weather channel and a cd of my choice. While lost in those radio waves and the thoughts of my own, nothing can touch me, not the guy flicking at me for cutting him off, not the minor accident that is backing everyone up, and not even the slow drivers in the left most lane. Sometime those lame games like "make yo mama curse" make me crack up, that old song "Last Kiss" by pearl jam almost gives me teary eyes, hearing about poverty in Africa and riots in Kashmir rages me. But all these emotions take me away from me. I have everything on mind except for "my life" and that escape I figured is what I enjoy the most. I can't do that in any other part of my day.

Om listens to NPR

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